
Install from PyPI

Ramp-board requires Python 3.7+.

The RAMP bundle is available in PyPI and can be installed via pip:

pip install ramp-database ramp-engine ramp-frontend ramp-utils

All dependencies will be installed automatically.

Install from sources


The dependencies required by the RAMP bundle are the following:

  1. ramp-database:
    • bcrypt

    • click

    • gitpython

    • nbconvert

    • numpy

    • pandas

    • psycopg2-binary

    • sqlalchemy

  2. ramp-engine:
    • click

    • numpy

    • psycopg2-binary

    • sqlalchemy

  3. ramp-frontend:
    • bokeh

    • click

    • Flask

    • Flask-Login

    • Flask-Mail

    • Flask-SQLAlchemy

    • Flask-WTF

    • numpy

    • pandas

  4. ramp-utils:
    • click

    • pandas

    • pyyaml

You can install those requirements through pip, using the requirements.txt file present in the root folder of the ramp-board repository:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You can use conda instead of pip using the environment.yml file:

conda env update --file environment.yml --name <your_env>

The above command updates the <your_env> environment. If you want to keep the code to run ramp in a separate environment, you can also do:

conda env create -f environment.yml

This will create the testenv environment. You can modify the name of the environment by editing the environment.yml file. If you go this way, you need to remember to conda activate testenv each time when interacting with ramp or the database.


You can install the RAMP bundle of packages by:

git clone
cd ramp-board
make install

It will run the install for each RAMP package. You can also install each package individually:

cd ramp-database && pip install .
cd ../ramp-engine && pip install .
cd ../ramp-frontend && pip install .
cd ../ramp-utils && pip install .

If you want to install all packages in development (“editable”) mode, you can use:

make inplace