RAMP execution

RAMP implements a double cross-validation scheme: submissions are trained on each training fold, then tested on each validation fold and on the held out test set. This assures proper model evaluation when models are tuned using validation scores.

Training and scoring a submission

When running the ramp-test script locally, the starting kit submission is trained, tested, and scored. The output contains all the training, validation, and test scores and wall clock times for all K folds. At the end we provide two summaries: the classical mean scores over the K folds, and the scores achived by ensembling all the K foldwise models, a technique called CV-bagging (we typically take the mean prediction of the K models on each test point)

λ ramp-test
Testing Titanic survival classification
Reading train and test files from ./data/ ...
Reading cv ...
Training submissions/starting_kit ...

CV fold 0
        score   auc   acc   nll      time
        train  0.84  0.79  0.47  0.482708
        valid  0.92  0.83  0.38  0.007979
        test   0.86  0.84  0.43  0.005988
CV fold 1
        score   auc   acc   nll      time
        train  0.85  0.82  0.46  0.009974
        valid  0.86  0.78  0.46  0.003989
        test   0.84  0.83  0.46  0.010971
CV fold 2
        score   auc   acc   nll      time
        train  0.87  0.79  0.44  0.009975
        valid  0.80  0.82  0.49  0.006979
        test   0.86  0.84  0.44  0.004987
CV fold 3
        score   auc   acc   nll      time
        train  0.85  0.81  0.46  0.011969
        valid  0.87  0.81  0.43  0.004986
        test   0.86  0.85  0.43  0.010972
CV fold 4
        score   auc   acc   nll      time
        train  0.85  0.82  0.45  0.009975
        valid  0.84  0.79  0.47  0.005984
        test   0.84  0.82  0.45  0.006009
CV fold 5
        score   auc   acc   nll      time
        train  0.84  0.80  0.46  0.013964
        valid  0.88  0.78  0.42  0.005983
        test   0.86  0.84  0.43  0.010006
CV fold 6
        score   auc   acc   nll      time
        train  0.87  0.81  0.44  0.009999
        valid  0.79  0.75  0.52  0.004964
        test   0.84  0.83  0.45  0.005982
CV fold 7
        score   auc   acc   nll      time
        train  0.84  0.79  0.47  0.010975
        valid  0.90  0.83  0.42  0.008975
        test   0.85  0.84  0.44  0.007978
Mean CV scores
        score           auc          acc           nll        time
        train  0.85 ± 0.011  0.8 ± 0.012  0.46 ± 0.012  0.1 ± 0.16
        valid  0.86 ± 0.044  0.8 ± 0.028  0.45 ± 0.041   0.0 ± 0.0
        test   0.85 ± 0.008  0.84 ± 0.01  0.44 ± 0.009   0.0 ± 0.0
Bagged scores
        score   auc   acc   nll
        valid  0.84  0.79  0.47
        test   0.86  0.85  0.44

When using a RAMP challenge (RAMP studio), the bagged validation score is displayed on the public leaderboard, and the bagged test score is used privately to determine the final rankings.

Other submissions can be trained and scored using the --submission switch, and the result of the training can be saved using the --save-output switch. See RAMP-workflow commands for all the command-line options.

The functional data flow

This flowchart shows what happens when ramp-test is executed. You can see how the data, elements in problem.py, and the submission interact. This is useful for those who would like to see what happens under the lid, and for those who would like to implement their own customized RAMP workflows.

  1. The data is loaded by calling problem.get_train_data and problem.get_test_data.

  2. The training data is passed to problem.get_cv which yields the CV fold objects, typically K pairs of training indices and validation indices.

  3. The training data (X_train and y_train), and the training indices are passed to problem.workflow.train_submission. This function imports the submission files and calls the appropriate training functions (typically fit and transform) implemented in the submission. It can also contain “glue” code: fixed data processing and transformation steps before, after, or between trained steps (implemented by the submission).

  4. The trained model is passed to problem.workflow.test_submission twice (per fold): once for computing the training and validation predictions (on X_train), and once for computing the test predictions (on X_test).

  5. Six workflow.Predictions objects are created (per fold), three on the ground truth and three on the predictions. The training and validation predictions are both created from y_pred_train and y_train in workflow.Predictions.__init__ using the training and validation indices.

  6. The corresponding pairs of ground truth and predictions are passed to each problem.score_types[i].score_function which returns a scalar score.

Testing manually

Sometimes it is useful to execute elements of RAMP manually, for example to obtain predictions or the trained model interactively in a notebook. The following sequence can be run on any RAMP, line by line. It does not use the cross validation so it can be used to debug the workflow once the following elements are defined in problem.py:


The sequence to execute (assuming you are in the same folder with problem.py):

from rampwf.utils import assert_read_problem
problem = assert_read_problem()

X_train, y_train = problem.get_train_data()
X_test, y_test = problem.get_test_data()

trained_workflow = problem.workflow.train_submission(
    'submissions/starting_kit', X_train, y_train)
y_pred_test = problem.workflow.test_submission(
    trained_workflow, X_test)
test_predictions = problem.Predictions(y_pred=y_pred_test)
test_ground_truth = problem.Predictions(y_true=y_test)
for score_type in problem.score_types:
    score = score_type.score_function(
        test_ground_truth, test_predictions)
    print(f'{score_type.name} = {score}')

On titanic, it should produce:

auc = 0.8628342245989303
acc = 0.8539325842696629
nll = 0.43442182924613426

Once problem.get_cv is defined, the following sequence implements the full data flow (modulo formatting, saving, and modularizing, it is identical to ramp-test)

from rampwf.utils import assert_read_problem
problem = assert_read_problem()

X_train, y_train = problem.get_train_data()
X_test, y_test = problem.get_test_data()
cv = problem.get_cv(X_train, y_train)

for fold_i, (train_is, valid_is) in enumerate(cv):
    print(f'fold {fold_i}:')
    trained_workflow = problem.workflow.train_submission(
        'submissions/starting_kit', X_train, y_train, train_is)
    y_pred_train = problem.workflow.test_submission(
        trained_workflow, X_train)
    y_pred_test = problem.workflow.test_submission(
        trained_workflow, X_test)
    train_predictions = problem.Predictions(
        y_pred=y_pred_train, fold_is=train_is)
    valid_predictions = problem.Predictions(
        y_pred=y_pred_train, fold_is=valid_is)
    test_predictions = problem.Predictions(y_pred=y_pred_test)
    train_ground_truth = problem.Predictions(
        y_true=y_train, fold_is=train_is)
    valid_ground_truth = problem.Predictions(
    test_ground_truth = problem.Predictions(y_true=y_test)
    for score_type in problem.score_types:
        train_score = score_type.score_function(
            train_ground_truth, train_predictions)
        valid_score = score_type.score_function(
            valid_ground_truth, valid_predictions)
        test_score = score_type.score_function(
            test_ground_truth, test_predictions)
        print(f'\ttrain {score_type.name} = {train_score}')
        print(f'\tvalid {score_type.name} = {valid_score}')
        print(f'\ttest {score_type.name} = {test_score}')