
You are welcome to contribute to ramp-workflow, particularly if there are Prediction types, workflows or score metrics that you have written for your challenge which you think may be useful for other challenges.

To contribute:

  1. Fork the ramp-workflow repository.

  2. Clone the ramp-workflow repository then cd into it:

    $ git clone
    $ cd ramp-workflow
  3. Install requirements:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternatively you may wish to install the required packages in a specific environment for ramp-workflow.

  1. Install ramp-worflow in editable mode:

    pip install --editable .
  2. Add your contributions and submit a pull request to merge this into ramp-workflow.

Code style

This repo uses flake8 for code style. It can be run on commits automatically by installing and activating pre-commit:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Testing ramp-board

Since ramp-board depends on ramp-workflow, any time that there is a PR in ramp-workflow, ramp-board should also be tested using the following sequence:

  1. Under ramp-board GitHub Actions in the main workflow select “Run Workflow” and in the dropdown menu paste the a pip installable URL to the version of ramp-workflow from your PR. For instance it would look as follows,:<your fork>/ramp-workflow/archive/refs/heads/<your branch>.zip
  2. If the tests are green, the PR’d branch of ramp-workflow can be accepted.

  3. If it is not, ramp-board should be fixed:

    1. Start a new branch in ramp-board, preferably of the same name as the PR’d branch of ramp-workflow, on top of rampwf_test.

    2. Fix the error on the new branch, make sure that the tests are green when pulling from ramp-workflow from the PR’d branch in environment.yml and environment_iris_kit.yml.

    3. Accept the PR’d branch on ramp-workflow and update pypi.

    4. Modify environment.yml and environment_iris_kit.yml to pip install ramp-workflow from pypi and check again that the test are green.

    5. Accept the PR on ramp-board.

Release process

The following explain the main steps to release ramp-board:

  1. Run bumpversion release. It will remove the dev0 tag.

  2. Commit the change git commit -am "bumpversion 0.1.0".

  3. Create a branch for this version git checkout -b 0.1.X.

  4. Push the new branch into the upstream repository.

  5. You can create a GitHub release.

  6. Change the symlink in the ramp-docs repository such that stable point on 0.1.X.

  7. Push on PyPI by executing the following: pip install build && python -m build . && twine upload dist/*.

  8. In master, run bumpversion minor, commit and push on upstream.