Preparing your data

The data for your RAMP challenge should consist of:

  • Private test data - this data is stored on the RAMP server and is used to compute scores for each submission for the private leaderboard. It is essential that this data remains private from participants.

  • Private training data - this data is also stored on the RAMP server and will be used by the server to train each submission. It is preferred that this is completely independent of the public data. However, if you have a small data size, it is also fine for this data to be the same as the public data.

  • Public data - this data is made available to the participants. It needs to be split into ‘public training data’ and ‘public testing’ subsets. This is because the same script is used to test submissions when you run RAMP locally and on the RAMP server, when you make a submission to a RAMP event. Therefore, get_train_data() and get_test_data() from the script (see Data I/O) needs to work both locally and on the RAMP server. This is generally achieved by having both a public test and train dataset and naming these the same as the private test and train dataset. See RAMP data for an example.

RAMP data

A data directory is required to deploy your challenge on a RAMP sever. Strictly speaking, it is not required if you simply wish to use RAMP worflow locally. The data directory should be separate from the starting kit directory (see Overall directory structure).

The data directory should consist of the following files, though technically, only the data files are required for deployment.

  • - script to clean and split the raw data, ensuring that events can be deployed repeated with consistent data. See The prepare_data script.

  • requirements.txt - file listing required packages used in

  • .travis.yml - Travis continuous integration configuration file. This should run the and is set to run regularly so we are alerted to any problems. See the configuration file of the Titanic challenge as an example.

  • - a quick summary of how to run, mostly serves as an introduction on GitHub.

  • data/ - directory that should ultimately contain the public and private datasets, after running See The prepare_data script.

Generally, the data files for a RAMP challenge are kept in a repository in the ramp-data organisation on GitHub. This is always a private repository and all data, public and private, can be kept here, if size permits.

The prepare_data script

The script should perform any data cleaning steps required on the raw data and split the data into appropriate subsets as detailed above. It is a good way to document all the data cleaning steps and enables you to download (if required) and split the raw data easily on the RAMP server. It also helps to ensure that same data challenge can be deployed again using consistent training and test data subsets.

The raw data may be stored in the data/ directory or can be downloaded from elsewhere. Ultimately, there should be 4 data files in the data/ directory, detailed below, after running script.

As an example, the for Titanic challenge, which stores the raw data in data/, is shown below:

# 1 - read in or download the data.
df_train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join('data', 'train.csv'))
df_test = pd.read_csv(os.path.join('data', 'test.csv'))

# 2 - Perform any data cleaning and split into private train/test subsets,
# if required. Neither steps required in this case.

# 3 - Split public train/test subsets. In this case the private training
# data will be used as the public data
df_public = df_train
df_public_train, df_public_test = train_test_split(
    df_public, test_size=0.2, random_state=57)
    # specify the random_state to ensure reproducibility
df_public_train.to_csv(os.path.join('data', 'public', 'train.csv'), index=False)
df_public_test.to_csv(os.path.join('data', 'public', 'test.csv'), index=False)

Note that the private training data was also used as the public data, due to the small size of this dataset. At this stage we have 4 files in the data/ directory:

  • train.csv - private training data.

  • test.csv - private testing data. This should never be made public.

  • public/train.csv - in this case, this was a subset of the private training data train.csv.

  • public/test.csv - in this case, this was a subset of the private training data train.csv.

The public data files need to be copied over to the starting kit directory (ramp-kits/<starting_kit_name>/data/, see Overall directory structure), on a RAMP server, when deploying an event.

The data directory should look something like this:

<starting_kit_name>/    # root data directory
├── requirements.txt
├── .travis.yml
└── data/
    ├── train.csv     # any data file format acceptable
    ├── test.csv
    └── public/
        ├── train.csv
        └── test.csv

Strictly, only the data/ directory is required to deploy an event on the RAMP server, though it is good practice to include the other files.

See Overall directory structure for the structure of the data directory relative to the starting kit directory.