2. Personalize your RAMP instance

It is possible to personalize your RAMP front page.

2.1. Front page

You might be interested in displaying some images (logos) in the Powered by section in the very bottom of your RAMP webpage.

To do so, add all the images you wish to have displayed to the following directory:

~ $ ramp-board/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/static/img/powered_by

Your images must have one of the following extensions:

  • .png

  • .jpg (.jpeg)

  • .gif

  • .svg

When you reload your RAMP page the new Powered by section should appear.

2.2. Privacy Policy page

You can add an optional Privacy Policy page, setting the following in the main config.yaml,

    privacy_policy_page: "<path.html>"

Where the privacy_policy_page can be either a path to an HTML file, or directly the HTML contents of that page. See an example in privacy_policy_template.html.

This will enable the /privacy_policy endpoint, and will add it to the footer menu.

2.3. Sign up and login pages

You can add personalized messages to the Sign Up and Login pages, by adding the following to the main config.yml,

    login_instructions: "instructions A"
    sign_up_instructions: "instructions A"
    sign_up_ask_social_media: True    # ask for social media accounts (optional)

where login_instructions and sign_up_instructions can be either a path to an HTML file, or directly the HTML contents.

By including HTML code with JavaScript, these field can also be used to customize the Sign Up and Login forms.